Lauren Adams {art studio}
Nocturnal Landscapes
This series embodies the exploration of the marks our bodies leave after we wake from rest and the journey we take into the dream realm as we sleep. Nocturnal landscapes, created by a loved one’s body imprinted into their bed, are remnants of their journey into the inner world. Even though we actively participate in the dream realm, our physical bodies remain on Earth where we lay. During sleep, some bodies may leave a frenzied mountainscape from an active slumber, while others may leave rolling hills from a peaceful nocturnal recharge. I have asked people I love to send me a snapshot of their previous night’s place of rest. From these snapshots, I visually frame various sections of interest and compose the nocturnal landscape. These landscapes are an homage to the amazing dream realm we travel to in our slumber and the traces of which are left for us in the physical world.